This morning, the day that marks the 26th year the Lord has chosen to keep me here on Earth, I noticed that my husband woke up EXTREMELY early... and then I proceeded to go back to sleep :) I figured he just went in to work early since he went in a little late yesterday. no biggie.
THEN... just about 2 minutes before my alarm was to go off, i hear the door to the bedroom open, smell a
delicious scent that can awaken even the grumpiest NON-morning person, and heard my sweet, handsome (i LOVE the way he looks in his work clothes - even if he hates wearing them! MUY CALIENTE! lol) husband singing "Happy Birthday" to me! When my eyes adjusted to reality, I notice he has gone to Starbucks to get me the travel mug that I've wanted so badly! Well... that was his intention... he actually came back with a different one* because they were sold out of the one i really wanted** (of all days, right?!)! :)
*Exibit A: totally just realized that it is not, in fact, a travel mug. it is just a coffee mug. non-travel type :) i thought that I was just not able to locate the lid that Aaron had (for some reason) not left on the mug... hahaha - now it all makes sense... :)

**Exhibit B: i can't find a picture of it ANYWHERE! even on the starbucks website!! what the heck?! anyways... it's a stainless travel mug that looks like it has hail damage. ;) there are little dents all over the mug that sort of look like polkadot dents...
Anyhow, this post has two purposes: to share another sweet story about my husband, AND to let you all know that you are invited to attend a "Grill and Chill" at our house on Friday evening to celebrate said birthday (yet ANOTHER thing my sweet husband has organized all on his own!). It will be BYOMeat, and bring your favorite beverage and a side to share. These truly are the best kinds of food parties, in my opinion! And it doesn't hurt that our friends are pretty much some of the best cooks in all the land... :)
If you plan to attend, please let one of us know so that we know how many bodies to expect!
Have a Fantastic "hump" day! The week is coming to a close already!

p.s. visit Calloway's Gardening Club page to see the blog's shout out :) that's pretty cool :) I guess I'm going to have to get on the ball with taking more pictures of the plants! That's one way to kick-start me! :) Check back later this week for garden updates. I promise I'll post some new pictures! There's definitely a lot happening on that front.
p.p.s. I TOTALLY wish that I would have time to make THESE little puppies for our Friday shindig. MAN! now THAT is way better than a birthday "cake" :) That's what I'm talking about. i LOVE IT! :)
Love your blog- saw it linked from a Calloways email I received. We are so much alike- my blog is only about food, but I also love "attempting" to garden too! Keep up the good work!
happy happy birthday!
Happy birthday :o)
love, your long lost cousin, Amber
hahaha already forgotten about me? geez! the amber that use to spend summers with you!!! the amber that HATED the fact that uncle chris made me eat vegtables!!! the oh so cool amber ;)
do you have another cousin named amber?
hahaha i was mainly asking for a last name. you never know about long lost family members! could be second cousins, third cousins, etc... :)
maiden name Borel, dad is Lawrence, mom is Doreen ringing any bells yet?
;) i might just remember you... ;) jk. remember that time we all came and stayed at your house for the family reunion, and i puked all over your mom's poor carpet after we all ate at casa ole?? HAHA trauma! i haven't eaten there since! hahaha :)
hey did you get to see mom and dad and christopher when they came down a few weeks ago? How's your fam? do you have a blog or something, or did you just find this blog randomly??
EWWWWWW!!!!!! i hate puke!!!!! but i do love casa ole' :o) i seen aunt robin last time but i seen all of them the time before that! dads not doing so great (hence the reason they came down) but everybody else is okay. I don't have a blog. I always ask aunt robin bout' you and lynn (that's how i've kept up with ya'll all these yrs) so i decided to see if ya'll had facebook and it just lead me here to your blog. I seen your wedding pics you looked beautiful. i'll have to show you pics of my kids.
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