I want to share a few things with you that I realized last night:
1. John no longer has just the one tatoo on his left arm. He now sports a sleeve that, in my opinion, looks pretty silly on him. He definitely should have left well enough alone with the original tat.
2. There is a reason Michael Franti and Spearhead (the opening act) have only had one hit single in the last 10 years... It's the only good one.
3. I really like the AAC for concerts.
4. I love how there was NEVER a line for the bathroom - not even once :)
5. I always thought that John Mayer was an amazing song writer, and knew from hearsay that he was a great guitarist... but HOLY MOLY! He really is a phoenomenal musician. I am definitely going to the next show he puts on. DEFINITELY worth the money. FANTASTIC show.
6. Last, but not least: John is one of the goofiest looking singers I've ever seen. LOL - his mouth pulls down and to the right, and I couldn't stop staring at it the whole time. haha :) case in point:

So, John, even though you look totally goofy when you sing, I must speak nothing but respect for your talent. No matter how arrogant you might be... you are a freaking amazing musician. Can't wait for the next album/show.
It literally breaks my heart that he is so talented but a horrible person. I have a really difficult time enjoying his music because I just keep thinking about it!! But I guess that's what happens when you live in LA, and you end up dating Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston and who knows else.
The sad thing is when his music comes on the radio, I'm like, "Oh John, I want to like you... I really do..." But, I am glad YOU had a good time at his show. I'm sure if I saw him play I'd be willing let bygones be bygones. AND NO LINE TO THE BATHROOM... that is pretty incredible! John Mayer helps people retain liquids in their bladders?
HAHAHA yeah... either that OR the AAC had some really great logistic engineers involved in the development and planning of that building!! haha :)
where have you been?! you need to listen to music more often, my dear. when mr. mayer first came on to the music scene everyone was freaking out about his likeness to blues 'guitar gods'. also, michael franti is badass. he's not exactly radio friendly (to say the least), so no wonder he hasn't had any hits!
it really is too bad he's a douche bag. but apparently at his nashville show not that long ago he had a sob-fest about how downhill his personal life has gone and how he made himself look like an idiot in all those interviews. kenny said he seemed genuine.
yeah i heard about that.
dude, i've been a fan of his music forever (everything except his very first single. that song still annoys me), but i just didnt realize HOW GOOD he was... just listening to his albums was all i ever got until last night!
and I'll have to disagree on the Michal F. front. Totally unimpressive songwriter - at least from what he did last night. His songs were completely monotonous and boring. the only one that was remotely fun/interesting is the one that actually gets airtime. He's a great performer - he really got the crowd involved, so i can see how they've been playing forever, but as far as the quality of the songs...totally not impressed. sorry. ;)
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